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Kamu mengaku bibliophile? coba sebutkan sebanyak-banyaknya apa saja book themed-social network yang kamu tahu? Goodreads, goodreads, dan goodreads.
Yap, sejauh ini social network yang paling digandrungi kaum bibliophile adalah Goodreads, meskipun sebenarnya ada banyak situs sejenis, seperti The Reading Room, Shelfari (udah R.I.P), BookLikes, e.t.c. Namun, yang paling nyaman digunakan, dan tersedia versi desktop maupun smartphone sejauh yang saya tahu hanya Goodreads saja.
Nah, kabar gembira!
Baru-baru ini baru saja diluncurkan aplikasi social networking yang mefokuskan diri bagi pecinta buku, dan itu adalah Litsy.
Apa sih Litsy itu?
Litsy is a place to share and discover your favorite books with your favorite people. The Litsy community is a groundswell of passionate readers, authors, celebrities, and more. Share bookish moments with Quotes, Reviews, and Blurbs. Measure Litfluence to discover your “bookprint” in the world. Explore recommendations from readers, not algorithms. Oh yeah, want to organize your reading list? Our app has stacks for that, too. It’s fun. It’s simple. It’s all about the book. Sign up and get a little Litsy.